The Autism Books by Autistic Authors Project

The Autism Books by Autistic Authors Project

Autistic Rights and Neurodiversity

A banner with the covers of 36 books. They are arranged in a grid on a slight angle. Some of the covers are only partially visible.

This page contains books about the autistic rights and neurodiversity movements — books that challenge the concept of ‘normality’ and the pathologised view of autism.

There are currently 27 books on this list.

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Updated April 2024.

The website aims catalogue all (or more accurately, as many as possible) books about, and related to autism that have been written by Autistic authors. This provides a resource for those interested in authentic Autistic representation on topics about autism and in books with Autistic characters. Please note that inclusion of a book does not indicate endorsement — Autistic people are incredibly diverse, as are our views. Reader’s should use their discretion when selecting books to read.

Books are included when at least one author or editor is Autistic. Many books are authored or edited by both Autistic and non-Autistic people. Please do not assume every author that appears on the website is Autistic.

While care has been taken to ensure the books listed on the website meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria, it is possible mistakes will be made. If you believe a book has been included in error, or an author incorrectly identified as Autistic, please advise via the Contact page, and provide any relevant details. The Contact page may also be used to suggest books for the website. Further information about the website and associated social media accounts can be found on the About and FAQs page.